Author Archives: Hommu

The Benefits of SmartLab Engineering Consultancy Services

Engineering is a challenging and competitive field that requires constant innovation and adaptation to the changing market and customer needs. To succeed in this field, you need a partner that can provide you with technical expertise, creative solutions and strategic guidance. That’s why in Smartech we offer consultancy services to our clients through SmartLab, in […]

Meet Smartmelt: Our versatile and customizable low-pressure overmolding machine

Low-pressure overmolding (LPM) is a process that involves injecting a molten thermoplastic material over a substrate, such as a printed circuit board (PCB), a cable, or a connector. The purpose of LPM is to protect the substrate from environmental factors, such as moisture, dust, vibration, and corrosion, as well as to improve its mechanical and […]

The strengths of small series manufacturing for mechanical products

Mass production is a common method for manufacturing large quantities of standardized products at low costs. However, mass production has some limitations, such as the lack of customization, the high initial investment, and the difficulty to adapt to changing market demands. For some businesses, especially those that operate in niche markets or require high-quality products, […]

How can Mechanical Engineering Solutions boost innovation in your industry?

Mechanical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, analysis, manufacture, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines, and it has applications in almost every sector of human activity. However, mechanical engineering is not only about creating machines or devices. It is also about […]